FGL International, sponsor of Challenges 2° World Leather Congress

Fondazione Edison Milano, 8th September 2015

FGL International is one of the main sponsor of the 2nd World Leather Congress, organized by UNIC (Italian Tanners’ Association), scheduled to be held in Milan on Tues day 8th September at the Fondazione Edison (Foro Bonaparte 31). This is an important event for an exchange of ideas among the companies and firms represented. Industrialists upstream and downstream of the supply chain, from tanners to producers of items in leather, producers of technology and chemicals, representatives from the institutions, from  state  and  private organizations  and  academics will  be  called  on  to  give  their  contribution  for  the  future  of  the industry, with an analysis of the more sensitive issues. FGL is as always close to the people who care about leather.