FGL International, Diamond sponsor of Challenges 3° World Leather Congress

29th August 2017, at the Pullman Hotel, Shanghai South

FGL International is proud to be one of the Diamond sponsors of the 3rd World Leather Congress, scheduled for 29 August 2017 in Shanghai, on the eve of All China Leather Exhibition (30 August – 1 September 2017) and organized by Taiwanese International Leather Association (TILA), who, through Richard Pai, currently holds the Presidency of International Council of Tanners (ICT), and by China Leather Industry Association (CLIA).

The Congress participants are tanneries representing 37 Countries from Europe, America, Asia and Africa.

The leather industry has a very important role in international business and this congress will explore its great developments and improvements in environmental responsibility and sustainability, technology advancements and other related issues, focusing on how the leather industry will respond to current and future challenges.

FGL International is constantly engaged on this front, without losing sight of its target represented by the customer and its demands satisfaction.
FGL International has always supported the disclosure of technological, scientific and innovation knowledges, offering itself as sponsor of the major initiatives in this field.
Not by chance, FGL International decided also this time to be one of the Diamond sponsors of the third World Leather Congress, the place where the field leading experts meet and where excellent scientific and technical research works are presented.
FGL International believes that this event is a qualified context where activating the exchange of knowledges on new technologies having the environment as protagonist of excellence.

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