FGL International and Finikem towards the integration
Together to grow

The two chemical companies belonging to the Lapi Group will become a single company where the two products lines will cohexist: the wet-end phase and the finishing

FGL International and Finikem will joing forces and merge into a new, united, company.
The two companies dealing with tanning chemicals, both parts of the Tuscan holding Lapi Group, announce their intention to develop a strategic merging.
The aim of the project is to integrate the activities of FGL International and Finikem, both located in Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa); they have been increasingly perceived as unique and complementary: the first one dealing with tanning products for the wet-end phase, and the second one with products and solutions for the finishing phase of leather processing.

The strategic importance of joining the two companies is represented by a greater strength and solidity to face an increasingly challenging market. The expectation is to start up with a new entrepreneurial single reality where the technical abilities, experiences and know-how will work jointly, to propose a more competitive and innovative offering to the market and a more fully integrated service.

The unification of the two companies will take place operationally in the first months of 2023. Both product lines will be maintained for the wet-end and for the finishing. The present brands, FGL International and Finikem, will be kept with a perspective of continuity, but with an optimized entrepreneurial management.
During the preparation of the merging the two companies will operate independently with separate warehouses, logistic and invoicing.

The new company will be led by Francesco Lapi, current CEO of both companies. At his side the historical partners of FGL International, Eligio Stoppa and Massimo Rinaldi, and a new Managing Director, Mr. Fabrizio Ugolini, having a long experience in the international tanning chemicals field.

“Lapi Group is still leading the tanning chemicals field, its historical business for more than 70 years, offering innovative solutions to the market, following every changes and customers’ requirements – said Francesco Lapi -. Joining the FGL International and Finikem activities will allow us to have integrated solutions between the two phases of the leather working process. I want to thank all the people who work in the two companies and have contributed to accomplish this project, an opportunity to reach future successes. I am sure that our collaborators will support this ambitious project”.

Lapi Group: holding (with a revenue of ab. 110 mil. In 2021) started in 1951 located in Santa Croce sull’Arno (Pisa). Nine companies belong to the group, divided in two specific business areas: the Chemical one, mainly dedicated to the tanning field, Toscolapi, Figli di Guido Lapi, FGL International and Finikem, and the Industrial one including a sole leather tannery, Gi-Elle-Emme, a company for the processing of leather and textile, NPA Mosè, and two companies for the manufacturing of gelatine, Lapi Gelatine and the Spanish Juncà Gelatines, acquired in 2021.