10 years together, a solid base for a successful future...

..thank you from the FGL International team

FGL International celebrates 10 years of activity devoted to develop innovative technical products and solutions for its clients in more than 32 countries worldwide.
On 07/06 hole team took part to a special celebration event at Antinori Winery in Florence.
In this occasion we remembered the ten past years of intense work of every single member of our staff and we proudly confirmed our intention of achieving even more ambitious goals in the future, in order to give the best service with high quality products to all our clients worldwide, whose satisfaction is always our main target.
“Tannery is our core business”  is the philosophy  inspiring all the activities and commitments of  FGL International.
FGL International always uses innovations and new technologies to suggest to its clients specific solutions based on skilled technical assistance, in the total respect of the environment.
Advanced leather technology, technical support to its clients and environment friendly solutions: these are our main targets.